Products & Service
Our Products
Hi-Grade Materials provides a wide variety of concrete products for commercial, industrial, residential and government construction needs. Our batch plants and quarries are conveniently located to serve you.
Ready Mix Concrete
We are a premier ready mix concrete manufacturer. From traditional ready mix concrete to specialized mixes, Hi-Grade Materials produces a variety of concretes that meet strength, speed, aesthetic, and structural requirements.
We have eight locations throughout the High Desert to better serve you. Select a location from the drop down menu above.
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Fiber-reinforced concrete is often the choice mix for use in on-ground floors and pavements, and can also be considered for a wide range of construction parts (beams, pillars, foundations, etc.) either alone, or with hand-tied rebars. Use of fibers will reduce plastic settlement cracks and shrinkage cracks, lower permeability, increase impact and abrasion resistance and provide additional shatter resistance.
Colored Concrete
Our decorative colored concrete features permanent, uniform color. We provide a variety of color pigments ranging from warm earth tones to rich various shades of gray. The use of color blends and harmonizes concrete with the natural landscape. Highly versatile and durable, colored concrete can meet the challenges of heavy traffic and requires relatively little maintenance to look wonderful for years to come.
Easy to care for, colored concrete is ideal for residential use and is frequently used as an alternative surface for flooring or countertops.
To learn more about our color selections, contact us. You can also view color cards on our manufacturers website: Solomon Colors, Inc.
Lightweight Concrete
Structural lightweight concrete is primarily used to reduce the weight or load of a concrete structure, thus allowing for smaller sized columns and footings. While able to achieve similar strengths as normal-weight concrete, using lightweight concrete in buildings also provides a safer fire rating and higher R-values for improved insulation.
Lightweight aggregates require soaking prior to use. Our locations support year-round, temperature-controlled wetting areas for consistent, lightweight product throughout the year.
Pervious Concrete
Pervious concrete is an innovative building material with many environmental, economic, and structural advantages. With a 15-25% void structure, pervious concrete allows for 3-8 gallons of water per minute to pass through each square foot. Pervious concrete parking lots put rainwater back in the ground and property owners and developers can reduce fees which commonly provides 20-40 years of service with little or no maintenance.
Pervious concrete requires different installation processes than non-pervious concrete, however, neither is more difficult or time-consuming than the other. The quality and performance of pervious concrete is entirely dependent upon the installer’s familiarity with the constructional impact of its properties. We highly recommend getting hands-on experience with this substance before placing it.
For more information about Pervious Concrete for parking lots, visit:
Flowable Fill
Flowable Fill fixes problems originating from poorly compacted soil or granular fill. Typically, the mixture is comprised of cement, water, fine aggregate and fly ash or slag. This versatile material, placed as a liquid, hardens and rapidly develops load-bearing properties with no compaction. Flowable Fill is used for numerous applications, including bedding and backfill for utility trenches, paving sub-base, bridge abutment and retaining wall backfill. It is widely used as a void-filling application for areas such as abandoned tanks, basements, tunnels, mines and sewers.
Visit for more information about Flowable Fill.
Gravel | Rock | Aggregate
We use aggregates in a variety of sizes that are certified as in compliance with ASTM C33 for hard rock aggregates and C330 for light-weight aggregates. We provide delivery on all of our rock products.
Contact us to place an order or schedule a delivery.
Our sand is certified and in compliance with ASTM C33. We can provided sand for all concrete project needs, large and small. We deliver to several regions.
Contact us to place your order and schedule a delivery.
Admix | Fly Ash
We use a full range of admixtures, as appropriate for any particular mix design, in accordance with appropriate ASTM standards. Our admixes offer you maximum flexibility in your mix specifications and allow you the type of mix, delivered to your site that will be easy to finish and develop the strengths you require. Our Fly Ash is certified and is in compliance with ASTM C-618 Class F Pozzolan. We also offer fiber-reinforced concrete as a specialty.
Contact us to learn more.
Our Services
Hi-Grade Materials provides a wide variety of concrete products for commercial, industrial, residential and government construction needs. Our batch plants and quarries are conveniently located to serve you.

Delivery | Transportation
With ten locations serving the entire Victor Valley, Antelope Valley, Morongo Basin and Low Desert, we provide delivery services for our rock, sand and ready mix concrete. Please use our Concrete Calculator to determine the amount of concrete you need, or contact us to place your order and set up delivery.

Concrete Recycling
Contact AsCon Recy Co., a division of Hi-Grade Materials Co. for all of your concrete recycling needs. The recycled concrete product is used in some of our concrete mixes as a replacement for aggregate, when requested, and is also used as a base material. If you have concrete that needs recycling, or would like to learn more about our recycled concrete, contact us.

SDS Sheets
We have Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on all of our products. We will provice SDS upon request.
Please contact us.